F1 Training Services UK LTD

Derek Grant

Derek Grant

F1 Training Services UK LTD


MMG was the first accountancy firm I met when I was looking for support. I cancelled all of the others as it was clear after our initial meeting that they were the firm for me. I expected a hard sell, but instead got honest and helpful advice. They took the time to research my business and understood my needs before I walked through the door. Looking back, I don’t know how I managed without them.”

Amanda Clark
HR manager,
F1 Training Services UK Ltd


The problem
A capable team with the knowledge but not the confidence to always get it right.
The solution
Enhancing knowledge with guiding hand when you need it
The outcome
Increased confidence and peace of mind
The MMG way
The right level of support, what you need, when you need it


Jenna – my guardian angel!


I’ve always been an independent person, so working with an accountant to provide the right level of support was important to me.  F1 Training Services has a number of venues across Scotland and I needed an accountant to ensure I am getting it right as we grow.


I have a good understanding of accountancy and book keeping and enjoy taking on this role in the business, but I lacked the confidence that I was always getting it right.  I feared ‘the call’ from HMRC to tell me I had missed a deadline or filed an incomplete report and am very glad to be working with MMG to give me that peace of mind.


Jenna is my main contact at MMG.  I think of her as my guardian angel!  I don’t see her very often but I know she is there.  I know that she always has my back, ensuring I’m getting it right and giving me the confidence to grow my skills as the business grows.


Jenna introduced me to QuickBooks – this has been a revelation!  It does all the hard work for me; from the practical tasks of ensuring invoices and banking is reconciled, to future proofing our business by filtering our venues across Scotland to analyse how they are performing. Looking back, I’m not sure how I ever managed without it.


MMG is doing a great job for F1 Training Services, by providing the right support at the right time.